0. Everyone’s heard about Realityhouse haven’t they?

Not really, no.

1. So what is realityhouse?

We’re a small, independent communications studio that uses creative problem solving mixed with a lot of huff and puff to try and persuade people to buy what you sell.

2. How the devil do you do that?

We create moments people remember.

3. No really, how do you do that?

Our clients usually can’t outspend their competition, so they need to outthink them. Every project is like a little start-up where we maximise budget, time and resource to ensure you get genuinely novel ideas, executed to unreasonably high standards that help you out-hustle your competition.

4. What might surprise you about realityhouse?

We probably spend more time on research and strategy than you might be used to. This means that when we pitch an idea, even if it feels uncomfortable, you can see it is honest and rooted in logic. We will never present an idea that feels obtuse for the sake of it.

5. What don’t you do?

Generic design or pretty wallpaper that doesn’t communicate. Vanilla work doesn’t last, it fades away.

7. I make decisions based on what people look like. So can I see the faces of your team please?

Ofc. We’re the same. Look on.

8. You say you’re a small agency - should I be worried?

People are often worried by small things, so concern is understandable. However, being small means we can pick and choose the projects we want to work on and you get everyone working on your project. It’s the perfect partnership – like Hall & Oates.

9. How much is a website project?

How much is a divorce?

10. Can you name me some clients?



Birdi & Co

Beever & Struthers

Boodle Hatfield

BP Collins



DAC Beachcroft

Collyer Bristow


Haines Watts



Harbottle & Lewis

Hideaway BS9

Hodge Jones & Allen

Institute of Coding


Improve International


Leigh Day

Maurice Turnor Gardner

Memery Crystal

Mitsubishi Corporation

Montagu Evans






TC Group

Walker Morris

Watson Farley & Williams

Wilberforce Chambers

Winckworth Sherwood

11. What do clients say about you?

Listen for yourself.

12. What awards have you won?

None. We don’t enter them. Our cupboard is bare.

13. Will you present three options so we can choose between them?

No. We’ll show one option we think is right and based on a load of research, strategy and hard work. If you don’t like it then we go again. It’s more like a relationship with a doctor and less like you’re buying paint in B&Q.

14. Who do I speak to about a project?

You can speak to any of us. But, a good place to start would be our MD Mike Fieldhouse – mike@realityhouse.co.uk or 01225 580016.

15. How can I work for realityhouse?

If you’re interested in experiencing 100% pure middle-class Bath air on a regular basis then there are three options.

15a. Internships


As we’re small we only take on a limited number of interns. If you’re interested email work@realityhouse.co.uk with the subject line INTERNSHIP. Say hello, talk a bit about the work you’d like to do and show us your portfolio.

15b. Freelance


We’re always looking for freelance talent. If you want to get on our radar email work@realityhouse.co.uk with the subject line FREELANCE.

Say hello, talk a bit about the work you’d like to do and give us a link to your portfolio.

Only send us the stuff in your portfolio that you’re most proud of, even if other agencies have rejected it.

15c. Full Time

Full Time

Any full time vacancies will be posted here. We don’t use recruitment agencies.

16. Do you have any nice badges I can look at?

Feast your eyes.
